Vivienne Westwood's first Red label show last night was classic Westwood as the models paraded out in kilts, bodices draped corsetry and her trademark tailoring. Despite the wearability of all the pieces Westwood wasn't going to let a diffusion catwalk show descend into bland commerciality as she sent a model down the catwalk in 'Guantanamo orange' knickers and a placard protesting about the rights of Guantanamo prisoners.

Vivienne herself looked amazing with her orange locks and an outfit I've been coveting ever since I saw it. A great autumnal palette of aubergine, rich browns and navys had me dreaming of skipping through leaves in her tweedy confesctions. It's a testament to Viv's skils as a designer that she can make what seems like a relatively conventional collection exciting and energetic.

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